Bye 2021
The last day of the year 2021. I have mixed feelings about the things I have done this year. I have to thank the people who have stayed with me in a jam. Especially, I can not thank enough the person who enlightens and loves me the most. I hope you will stay with me forever.
I have been grateful for the lessons life taught me in a bitter and soft way. At the same time, I have been loathing the people who behaved viciously towards everything I care about the most. Every year has its own lesson and specialty. But this year has left a remarkable mark on me.
We see only what we want to see, don't we? On this, I tried to see the only positive impacts and changes I have gone through. Although I don’t know how much positive impact I have made on others, I will keep it better whatever happens. At the same time, I will never put up with the injustice and the society that feeds off it in a direct and indirect way. I will never cease to believe in what I believe. I hope the year 2022 will be the year that we can achieve what we have planned and get the fruits of our labor.
I do not want to spread toxic positivity convincing you the year 2022 will be a great year, at least, but we will get better and closer by one step towards the life we build. I will show by example. Buckle up, kids. Happy New Year. Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022.