Behind the Apple keynote, explainedIf you use Iphone or not, you might know what apple keynote is. But if you don’t know what it is, it is an opening speech that they do…May 30, 2022May 30, 2022
Bye 2021The last day of the year 2021. I have mixed feelings about the things I have done this year. I have to thank the people who have stayed…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021
Яагаад cпей/заслага хийх хэрэгтэй вэ?“Амьтан тэжээнэ гэдэг бол амархан. Өлсгөж, дааруулахгүй байхад болно биздээ” гэдгээс тэс хөндлөн зүйл юм. Гэрийн тань үүдээр орж ирсэн…Oct 23, 2021Oct 23, 2021
Even the dumbest student in the classroom has words to say.Look at the people you are surrounded by. Look at the society you live in. But if we look carefully at the life we are living, we are…Sep 23, 20211Sep 23, 20211
Random thoughtsBit a gloomy day, need a cup of coffee to recharge myself on stressful days. Something special prompted me to write about what I have…Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Parenting is difficult unless…I have read a book that is called “Mindset” by Carol S. Dweck, which explains the four most important aspects of life. I was intrigued by…Jul 10, 2021Jul 10, 2021
The Meaning of LifeIt’s 2:23 am. One thing that keeps me not getting a night of sleep is the meaning of life. Everyone may ask this question from themselves…Jun 18, 20211Jun 18, 20211
Уран зургийг мэдрэхүй“Заа ганц нэг гайгүйхэн зурагны хажууд селфи хийчээд явах минь, угаасаа ойлгох ч үгүй юм байна” танил сонсогдож байна уу кк. Уран зургийн…Jan 17, 2021Jan 17, 2021
Хормын дотор сэтгэл санааг дээрдүүлэх 18 аргаБид амьдралдаа стрессдээд, сэтгэл зүйн тогтворгүй байдалтай болоод ирэхээрээ амархан уцаарлаж, аз жаргалыг мэдэрч чадахаа байчихдаг байна…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021